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Change of scenery


No month is like the other and that is exactly the motto of our Scent Journey "Change of scenery". It is important to gather energy and start the day with ease, every month anew. This Scent Journey is varied and brings fresh energy into your home.

(In this Scent Journey you will receive a new scent every month for 3 months, matching the theme "Change of scenery". This is not a recurring payment).

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Sparkling water, flowering shrubs, cloudless sky. Warm spring feelings are in the air and tempt you to go outside. You enjoy a picnic by the lake with good friends. The wind blows fine breezes over the water and a sweet and creamy freshness gently settles over the blooming meadow.



Bunte Blumen, das Summen der Bienen und die Freiheit der Natur. In der warmen, gold-gelben Mittagssonne erstrecken sich wunderschöne Blumenwiesen auf kleinen Hügelketten. Zwischen ihnen blitzen und funkeln kleine Bäche und Seen. Der hellblaue Himmel bildet ein schützendes Dach und vermittelt dennoch das Gefühl von endloserer Freiheit und Sorglosigkeit.



Magnificent woods, babbling brooks, bright fresh plants. The gentle wind breathes oriental spicy notes through the leaves, beautiful flowers it elicits an irresistible sweetness. Large magnificent trees protect you from the strong sun and create together with it an enchanting shadow play. You are invited to dream and close your eyes.

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Change of scenery

Change of scenery

No month is like the other and that is exactly the motto of our Scent Journey "Change of scenery". It is a matter of gathering energy and starting the day with ease, every month anew. This Scent Journey is varied and brings fresh energy into your home.

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