• Courage


  • Rêve


Peaceful Haven


Switch off, let the world pass you by, and focus on yourself. With the Scent Journey "Peaceful Haven" this should now become a permanent part of your everyday life. Through the noble aromas of these three precious fragrances, we transform your home into an oasis of well-being.

(In this Scent Journey you will receive a new scent every month for 3 months, matching the theme "Peaceful Haven". This is not a recurring payment).

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Beautiful music, good wine and a stylish ambiance.

The flickering candlelight casts a warm glow, wax dripping onto the table. Experience an evening of camaraderie, as good friends share conversations over cards. Admire the paintings on the wall, telling captivating stories from the past. This fragrance captures the relaxed ambiance, inviting you to bask in the tales of old and create new memories with loved ones.



Schroffe Felsen, hohe Klippen, kühles Gestein. Die mächtigen Wellen des tiefblauen Meers zerschellen mit voller Kraft an der Brandung. Starker Wind und weißer Schaum der heranrauschenden Wellen lassen aquatische Noten durch die Lüfte ziehen. Das Gefühl von Stärke, Kraft und Mut strömt durch Deine Adern und erweckt Tatendrang und Motivation.



Ein Augenblick der Stille, ein Moment nur für Dich. Ein Gedanke verbindet sich mit einer Idee und gewinnt so nach und nach an Ausdruck, Form und Farbe. Dieser Duft versprüht Kreativität und Konzentration. Was bis gerade eben noch reines Gedankengut war, wird nun sicht-, hör- und greifbar.

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Peaceful Haven

Peaceful Haven

Escape, unwind, and indulge in moments of pure bliss with our luxurious fragrance journey, "Peaceful Haven". Immerse yourself in the exquisite scents of our three precious fragrances and let us transform your home into a sanctuary of serenity and tranquility. With every inhale, let the stresses of the outside world drift away and allow yourself to fully focus on your own inner peace. Make "Peaceful Haven" a permanent part of your everyday life, and experience a sense of calm and well-being that will stay with you long after the fragrance journey is over.

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